The letter below was written by Judy Elbert. Judy is a member of the Cascade Camp Cedarbrook board as well as a director for the girls camps. She has shared this letter with me and other CCC members and campers. I am forwarding it to the Koinonia community as communication and encouragement.
Dear Camping Colleagues,
This season has been a season of disappointment for many as one after outstanding opportunities has been cancelled by our fight to mitigate the effects of COVID-19. Many of us have had to face cancelling our spring retreats and some have cancelled camping programs.
I wanted to take the time now to share why we, at Cascade Camp Cedarbrook, have not cancelled our site contract for our three-week camping program at Camp Koinonia this summer.
First, we believe in what we do as a unique calling and benefit to children. Children will need the opportunity to step out into the outdoors and away from the four walls of their homes more than ever. If our state and federal health officers deem it is appropriate to resume activity, we want to be ready with our plans, our curriculum, our materials, and our trained staff. We can adapt to provide more physical distance, more sanitization procedures, more health screening and more hygiene. If we can resume activity this summer, we want to be ready because what we do for children and families and our world is important.
Second, our future depends on having a camp site to use. Camp sites are difficult to find. There are a limited number for a growing population. Camp sites depend on rentals to survive. When there are no campers, maintenance needs abound as the natural world is hard on camps. Our camps have harder winters, hotter summers and unique water and electricity needs, all of which require year-round maintenance. Without user income, camps cannot care for these basic needs. We are continuing our contract to contribute to the camp site our program will need next year and the years to come. We are reaching out to our donors to encourage them to contribute directly to Camp Koinonia.
This is a time when we do not know what our summer will hold. In the meantime, we are reaching out to campers more frequently than before. They need their connection to their camp family!
Whatever your camp’s course, please consider supporting your rental site to the best of your ability in the months ahead. It’s a tough time for retreat and camp sites as the cancellations roll in.
Your colleague in camping, Judy Elbert
Cascade Camp Cedarbrook - Serving Christ. Loving Others. Growing strong in God’s creation.
If you would like to support Cascade Camp Cedarbrook directly, please click here.
If you would like to support Camp Koinonia directly, please click here.