Our summer camp will take place June 28-July 3, 2019. It will be 6 days, 5 nights and children will sleep in bunk beds. We are accepting a limited number of registrations for 3rd—9th grade campers. Programs will be split up into 2 age groups. We will let you be the judge if your child is old enough to attend coming into 3rd grade or young enough leaving 9th grade.
Fees: Our overnight fees for camp will be $200 per person and $100 per day camper. We have scholarships available for both programs. Hold your spot online at
Overnight Camp: Each cabin will be separated by boys and girls of similar ages and will be staffed with 1-2 adult leaders. Drop off is anytime on Friday between 8:00am-11:00am. Special Drop-Off times can be arranged. Pick-Up is at 6pm on Wednesday.
Summer camp is an incredible place to ‘Grow’! During your time here at camp you will grow in a new skill, grow closer to new friends, grow in your independence and grow in your faith. Did we mention you will grow?
Day campers and overnight campers will be together from 8:00am-6:00pm each day. We will be taking hikes, swimming, kayaking, creating craft masterpieces, playing group games, competing in sports tournaments, and engaging in Bible studies. We will eat 3 meals together and a a snack. Breakfast is at 8:00am, lunch is at 12:00pm and dinner is at 5:30pm. Parents are welcome to join for dinner with advance notice.
Our main emphasis is Christian community and teaching children and youth to learn something new.
We will have times during the day for rest and we will have time to play.
Most importantly everyone will be included and everyone will be challenged to grow.
Day Camp: Our day camp will run from 8:00am-6:00pm each day and it will include all meals. Campers will be in the same program groups as our overnight campers.