Parent/Guardian Corner — Camp Koinonia

 Parent/ Guardian Corner

This page has information for parents and guardians sending campers to Koinonia

Camp Forms


Camp Brain FAQs


Camp Photos


Daily Packing List


Directions to Camp


Behavior Policies


Health Policies


Camp Forms | Camp Brain FAQs | Camp Photos | Daily Packing List | Directions to Camp | Behavior Policies | Health Policies |

Camp Photos

You can find the album password in the day camp welcome letter sent 1 week before camp.

Lost and Found

You can check our gallery 2-3 days after the end of your camper’s session. All lost and found will be stored until September 1st, at which point items will be donated or kept by camp for campers who may forget certain items. Let us know if you’re coming to pick up a found item from camp.

Click here for Lost and Found gallery

Camp Brain FAQs

Camp Forms

There are two forms that need to be completed before camp – the the Camper Information form and the Camper Health form. We ask that you complete them by June 1st.

You can fill out the forms by logging into your online account. If you would like us to mail you paper copies of the form, contact us at

If your camper has additional support needs of any kind, please consider filling out the support form.

Daily Packing List

Check In Procedures

Camper Behavior Policies

Health Care at Day Camp

Day Camp Counselors are charged with the day to day care of their campers, including making sure that every child gets adequate food, water, rest, and exercise. This includes encouraging general cleanliness and sanitation. They must also ensure that campers get their meds on time each day, when applicable.

Camp Koinonia is prepared to meet the health care needs of most reasonably healthy children as well as children with mild disabilities and special medical needs (See essential eligibility criteria below). Prior to the start of summer, camper registrations are screened for any significant medical concerns that might interfere with the camp experience or require extra care. A director will reach out to you to ensure that camp can accommodate those campers and sufficiently address their needs.

Health care services provided for campers includes dispensing of medication (both prescription and over-the-counter), routine first aid, emergency medical care, and a quiet place to rest and recover from illness.