We are gearing up for the fall and we had an extremely busy summer. That means that things are broken, new things need to be added and we have a lot to prepare for the end of the season. RSVP to director@campkoinonia.org with number of attendees or just show up. We will provide lunch.
Please consider joining us Saturday, September 24, 2022 anytime from 9am-3pm to help us. Here is the list of projects.
Building 10 New Picnic Tables, Staining and sealing them too.
Building 10-20 New Chairs, Staining and sealing them too.
Preparing our burn piles. Limbing trees, collecting branches etc.
Deep Cleaning Cabins, Meeting Spaces
Painting Buildings (TBD).
Staining a Yurt Deck
Putting Away our pond programs.